IMF Doubles Inflation Target!

IMF Doubles Inflation Target!

Claus Vogt
I grew up in Germany, a country that went through hyperinflation twice during the 20th Century. Maybe that’s the reason I learned inflation is bad and inflationary policies are diabolic.
Inflationary periods are highly unjust. They undermine the ethics of hard work and thrift. They destroy solidarity, lead to widespread hardship and often to social unrest.
All these points are well documented in history. Many countries have suffered through the destruction brought on by huge surges of inflation. And many people have lost their wealth, their savings, and even their perspectives in the wake of inflationary episodes. (go to article....)

Urgent alert: Debt crisis speeding this way!

by Monty Agarwal   03-02-10
Suddenly, the exploding debt crises in the PIIGS countries — Poland, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain — have been unceremoniously shoved out of the headlines, only to be replaced by shocking news that … read on

Why the Failing US and EU Should Follow the Swiss Government Model

Feb 25th, 2010 | By Ron Holland

The European Union and the United States should consider the successful freedom model of Swiss confederation government rather than the failed top down examples of other nations and empires. Few would question that Switzerland is the most secure, stable, and freedom-oriented nation in the world but it is time to ask what is so unique about the Swiss. read on...

Transcript: Nine Shocking New Predictions for 2010-2012

by Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D.   03-01-10

Nine Shocking New Predictions for 2010-2012
With Martin Weiss, Richard Mogey and Monty Agarwal
(Edited Transcript)

The Calm Before the Coming Storm

by Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D.   02-28-10

Why You Should Be Worried About China